
When Wilhelm Göcke founded his company almost 35 years ago, he knew that steel sheet processing is mostly a mass-production process, leaving no room for something individual or measurements outside of the norm. That is how he filled this niche and specialised in the processing of uncommon canted profiles.

By now, 145 employees produce canted profiles and process sheet metal of large formats up to 21 meters in length on 70,000 m2 of area; these are used in bridge building, vehicle production or open pit mining.

Most of the machines used at Göcke are special constructions; tools for metal bending presses as well as stencils for sheet metal blanks are manufactured in-house.

Göcke provides you with all-round service for dimensions beyond common standards!

Factory 1 - Siemensstraße 1
Factory 2 - Kruppstraße 1


Göcke GmbH & Co. KG

Factory 1

Siemensstr. 1
48683 Ahaus


Tel.: +49 (0) 25 61/93 30-0
Fax: +49 (0) 25 61/93 30-93


Factory 2

Kruppstraße 1
48683 Ahaus


Tel.: +49 (0) 25 61/93 30-0
Fax: +49 (0) 25 61/93 30-93


Any questions?

We are also available to answer all your enquiries personally! Please use our contact form or contact us directly by phone.